To Git or not to Git, that is the question...

15 Sep 2016


Being that this is my first time using a configuration management system I feel that it’s quite simple to use. I’ve learned a few source controls, such as: fetch, pull, pull request, push, merge and merge conflict. With these basic commands, I am able to understand how to push and pull files from different branches, as well as fetching and merging between branches. Collaboration is a major concept for computer science majors; therefore one must fully know how to use a configuration management system such as Git.

Typically for a large project there may be a team of developers to perhaps hundreds of developers, and with constant changes being made it may be hard to keep track of the progress/changes. With a configuration management system, each developer has the tools available to see the various changes being made to the code, and can either commit those changes or perhaps submit the changes he’s made. With a configuration management system, each developer has access to his local and remote branch as well as being able to fetch/pull files from the master branch or from another developer’s remote branch.

I didn’t have much experience Git, but I would use GitHub to look for projects and programs that interested me or would benefit me. I feel that both Git and Github is a great environment for developers to share as well as maintain projects. I personally look forward to growing my GitHub portfolio as well as gain valuable experience using Git.