Our savior has risen, INTELLIJ!!!

15 Sep 2016

We about to get deep with my boy Intellij!!!

First, I’d like to say that Intellij is the BOMB! I really like how the interface works fluidly and how the IDE directs us to the best way to implement our code. I truly feel a lot safer being that we use Intellij with ESLint instead of using jsfiddle. Being that the “coding standards” we use will typically help us organize and neatly prepare our coding, and I am ecstatic to have this as our fundamentals. Although every developer has their own style and “personality” behind their programing, I feel that if everyone was to use a coding standard, it would benefit all developers being that we will be able to look at a piece of code and not be so confused by it.

After using intellij for a week, I came to understand some of the basic commands to go through the interface easier. Using propeller+(,) gets me into the preferences and therefore saving me a couple seconds of drag my mouse to that specific location. I shall indeed learn more shortcuts and practice more to hone my skills on intellij. On the other hand getting that “green checkmark” is indeed irritating but on the other hand, I at least know what mistakes I should fix before running my code. I like to say that intellij is really useful to me as a developer being that it serves as an IDE and can help me improve as well as teach me how to become a proficient programmer.