Holy geez meteor is confusing, these past two weeks were a blur and I feel like I’ve hit a giant brick wall. I understand the basics but not enough for me to start my own project. But after watching professor Johnson’s screencasts on how he attempts the WoDs, it really helps being that it shows his thought process and what resources he uses to complete the task.
I likes how the templates were given to show what the basic files and functions were needed to have a functional website. I like how meteor does not use jquery, being that jquery is super heavy with the syntax and implementation. I also like how meteor does application architecture/scaffoldings for us, meaning that it automatically creates project structures, files, and boilerplate code to speed up the process of development but on the downside there may be unwanted files. Overall it is great for creating something really fast.
Being that Meteor uses a new three way binding where you can call objects straight from the database without any SQL quries, it is AMAZING! It instead uses a Mongol database and this new modern idea is sure to be adapted to other practical applications. As of now I am dreading the moment of learning this new application architecture, but I know in the laster run it will really beneficial.